Feature interactions
Work time and occupancy
This section includes the following topics:
●Agent hold on page 118
●Agent log in and log out on page 118
●Call Coverage on page 119
●Call Forwarding on page 119
●Call Park on page 119
●Call Pickup on page 119
●Conference or transfer on page 119
●Extension calls and LOA on page 120
●Redirect on no Answer (RONA) on page 120
●Timed After Call Work (ACW) on page 121
●VDN of Origin Announcement on page 121
Agent hold
All time with one or more ACD calls on hold is included in the calculation of an agent’s work time and occupancy regardless of whether MCH is activated. With Multiple Call Handling (MCH), agents can accrue work time in multiple skills simultaneously.
Agent log in and log out
The agent work time measurement used by Least Occupied Agent (LOA) and Percent Allocation is initialized when an agent logs in. If an agent logs out during a shift, then logs back in, the agent’s measurements for work time and occupancy reinitialize.
Logging in and out reduces the effectiveness of Percent Allocation.
118 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide | February 2006 |