Business Advocate solution examples
This section provides examples of how Business Advocate can be used to help meet your contact center’s goals. While the example situations may sound a bit different from yours, the scenarios should give you some ideas about how you can best use Business Advocate to help your business. Remember that these are not the only ways in which Business Advocate features can be used. See Overview of Business Advocate on page 13 for details about how each feature works and which feature combinations are most effective. Contact your Avaya Professional Services representatives for help with implementing your specific solution.
This section includes the following topics:
●Maintaining service levels - one scenario on page 50
●Adding customer segments on page 55
●Increasing revenue on page 60
●Automating agent moves to back up calls on page 66
●Controlling agent time in a skill on page 73
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide | February 2006 49 |