Requirements for setting up Business Advocate
Activate on Oldest Call Waiting
Activate on Oldest Call Waiting? y (yes) or n (no) - The Activate on Oldest Call Waiting? field on page 2 of the Hunt Group form provides the option to use time in queue in addition to Expected Wait Time (EWT) for activating reserve agents with Service Level Supervisor. Service Level Supervisor uses only EWT unless you enter y in this field. If you decide to activate reserves using time in queue, you must administer it for each skill that uses Service Level Supervisor.
Call Selection Override
Call Selection Override requires activation at both the system level and hunt group level:
Administration at the system level involves entering a y or n in the Service Level Supervisor Call Selection Override? field on the
Administration at the skill level involves entering a y or n in the Call Selection Override? field on page 2 of the Hunt Group form.
The feature must be administered separately for each skill for which you want to use the feature.
Overload thresholds
Level 1 Threshold (sec), Level 2 Threshold (sec) - The Level 1 Threshold (sec): and Level 2 Threshold (sec): fields are used with Service Level Supervisor to determine when reserve agents are activated or when call selection override occurs (if Call Selection Override has been turned on).
You can set one or two levels:
●Agents who are reserve level 1 are activated when the skill reaches the level 1 threshold.
●Agents who are reserve level 2 are activated when the skill reaches the level 2 threshold.
Dynamic Threshold Adjustment
Dynamic Threshold Adjustment? y (yes) or n (no) - The Dynamic Threshold Adjustment? field on the Hunt Group form is used to enable the automatic adjustment of overload thresholds to meet predefined service levels. An entry of y enables the feature to work with Service Level Supervisor. The default value for this field is n.
The predefined service level targets are set using the Service Level Target: field, which is described separately.
The Dynamic Threshold Adjustment? field is displayed only if you enter y in the Service Level Supervisor? field and the Dynamic Advocate customer option is set on the
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide | February 2006 87 |