Citrix NetScaler Administration Guide
LogFileNameFormat Ex%{%m%d%y}t.log
This command creates the first file name as Exmmddyy.log, then every hour creates a file with file name: Exmmddyy.log.0, Exmmddyy.log.1,..., Exmmddyy.log.n.
LogInterval size
LogFileSize 100
LogFileNameFormat Ex%{%m%d%y}t
Caution: The date format %t specified in the LogFilenameFormat command overrides the log interval property for that filter. To prevent a new file being created every day instead of when the specified log file size is reached, do not use %t in the LogFilenameFormat.
wLogExclude prevents logging of transactions with the specified file extensions.
LogExclude .html
This command creates a log file that excludes log transactions for *.html files.
wLogTime specifies log time as either GMT or LOCAL. The defaults are:
•NCSA log file format: LOCAL
•W3C log file format: GMT.
Understanding the NCSA and W3C Log Formats
The NetScaler supports the following standard log file formats:
wNCSA Common Log Format
wW3C Extended Log Format
NCSA Common Log Format
If the log file format is NCSA, the log file displays log information in the following format:
To use the NCSA Common log format, enter NCSA in the LogFormat argument in the log.conf file.
The following table describes the NCSA Common log format.