Chapter 3 Audit Logging
Example 1
Filter f1 IP
This creates a log file for NSI with the default values of the log in effect.
Example 2
Filter f1 IP begin f1
logFilenameFormat logfiles.log end f1
This creates a log file for NSIP Since the log file name format is specified, the default values of the other log properties are in effect.
Sample Configuration File (audit.conf)
Following is a sample configuration file:
#This is the Auditserver configuration file
#Only the default filter is active
#Remove leading # to activate other filters
MYIP <NSAuditserverIP> MYPORT 3023
#Filter filter_nsip IP <Specify the NetScaler IP address to filter on > ON
#begin filter_nsip
# | logInterval | Hourly |
# | logFileSizeLimit | 10 |
# | logDirectory | logdir\%A\ |
# | logFilenameFormat | nsip%{%d%m%Y}t.log |
#end filter_nsip Filter default begin default
logInterval Hourly
logFileSizeLimit 10
logFilenameFormat auditlog%{%y%m%d}t.log end default