Chapter 3 Audit Logging
To install the NSLOG server package on a FreeBSD operating system
1.On the system to which you have downloaded the NSLOG package
2.Copy the FreeBSD NSLOG server package
3.At a command prompt for the directory into which the FreeBSD NSLOG server package was copied, run the following command to install the package:
•<root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file> \netscaler\bin (for example, /var/auditserver/netscaler/bin)
•<root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file> \netscaler\etc (for example, /var/auditserver/netscaler/etc)
•<root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file> \netscaler\samples (for example, /var/auditserver/samples)
4.At a command prompt, type the following command to verify that the package is installed:
pkg_info grep NSaudserver
To uninstall the NSLOG server package on a FreeBSD operating system
At a command prompt, type:
pkg_delete NSaudserver
Installing NSLOG Server Files on the Windows Operating System
Before you can install the NSLOG server, you have to copy the NSLOG package from the NetScaler product CD or download it from The NSLOG package has the following name format AuditServer _<release