2-104. Duty-Cycle Control Circuit

Theory of Operation 2

Analog Section Detailed Circuit Description

The reference circuit is designed such that the effects of the thin-film resistors and op amp errors are second order. Thus, accuracy is determined almost entirely by the ref amps.

To further reduce the effects of ambient temperature variations, the hybrid is heated to a constant 62ºC by the heater control circuitry on sheet 1 of the DAC schematic.

Temperature is sensed near the ref amps by a thermistor (RT1). If the substrate temperature changes, the thermistor resistance changes. This creates a correction voltage to the base of Q2 (on the main board). This, in turn, causes the power into the heater resistor, which is screened on the back of the substrate, to increase or decrease as necessary to maintain a stable temperature.

Thermal runaway is prevented by a protection circuit. Once the substrate temperature reaches approximately 67ºC, the change in resistance of RT2 causes Q9 to turn on. As transistor Q9 turns on, it steals base current from Q1 on the main board, which brings it out of saturation. This breaks the current path through the heater resistor. This condition exists only if there is a failure.

The exact value of the reference is determined during calibration. Because of the stability of the reference, it can be used for future internal calibration procedures to remove short term errors in the calibrator.

The 13V output, REF13 HI, is from pin 9 and REF13 SENSE is on pin 12. Also, a 6.5V reference line, REF6, is brought out on pin 14 of the reference for use during calibration.

In order to make these reference voltages available to other assemblies, the 6.5V and

13V references are buffered on the DAC Buffered Reference SIP assembly (A11A2). This assembly also contains the circuitry to switch the references and buffered references into the input of the adc during calibrator calibration. Refer to the section on the DAC Buffered Reference SIP for more information.

2-104. Duty-Cycle Control Circuit

Duty-cycle control circuitry is pictured on sheet 3 of the schematics. DAC output voltages are represented in software by what are called first and second channel counts. Each count is a 16-bit number which is sent to the DAC assembly via the guarded digital bus.

For example, a first channel count of 20,000 (in decimal) represents a DAC output voltage of approximately 6.5V (half the reference voltage).

The first function of the duty-cycle control circuitry is to convert each count into a stable, TTL level, square wave, with a duty cycle proportional to the numeric value of the count. This is accomplished with the 82C54 programmable interval timer (U6).

A low-level 8 MHz clock is generated on the Regulator/Guard Crossing assembly (A17) and routed to the DAC assembly via the motherboard. This low-level clock, CLK and CLK*, is amplified to a TTL level by comparator U7 to generate the 8 MHz clock which is used by U6 and the adc IC U25.

The 82C54 programmable interval timer receives its input counts from the guarded digital bus and creates the second channel signal on OUT2 (pin 20) and the first channel signal on OUT1 (pin 16).

The second channel signal is buffered by U8 (D and E) and runs through opto-isolator U12 to become CH2 FLOATING. This signal alternately turns FETs Q30 and Q32 on and off to turn the 3V source (called 3V) into a floating 3V pulse width modulated waveform called CH2 FILTER INPUT.


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Fluke 5720A service manual Duty-Cycle Control Circuit