MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1
7-34 Freescale Semiconductor
General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0B0C
12:15 USB Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output.
bit 12 controls GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin)
bit 13 controls GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin)
bit 14 controls GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin)
bit 15 controls GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin)
0 = Normal CMOS output (default)
1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z)
16:17 — Reser ved
18:23 PSC3 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output.
bit 18 controls GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin)
bit 19 controls GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin)
bit 20 controls GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin)
bit 21 controls GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin)
bit 22 controls GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin)
bit 23 controls GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin)
0 = Normal CMOS output (default)
1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z)
24:27 PSC2 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output.
bit 24 controls GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin)
bit 25 controls GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin)
bit 26 controls GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin)
bit 27 controls GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin)
0 = Normal CMOS output (default)
1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z)
28:31 PSC1 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output.
bit 28 controls GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin)
bit 29 controls GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin)
bit 30 controls GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin)
bit 31 controls GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin)
0 = Normal CMOS output (default)
1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z)

Table7-2 4. GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register

msb 012345678 9 101112131415
RReserved IRDA ETHR Reserved USB
RESET:000000000 0 0 000 0 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb
RReserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1
RESET:000000000 0 0 000 0 0
Bit Name Description