MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1
16-4 Freescale Semiconductor
XLB Arbiter Registers—MBAR + 0x1F00
Table16-1. Arbiter Configuration Register
msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
RESET: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb
TBEN Rsvd WS SP Rsvd PM Rsvd BA DT AT Rsvd
RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Bit Name Description
0 PLDIS Pipeline Disable. This bit is used to enable or disable transaction pipelining on the XLB. See
note below.
0 = Enable pipelining
1 = Disable pipelining
1:14 — Reserved
15 BSDIS BestComm Snooping Disable.
0 = BestComm XLB addresss snooping enabled.
1 = BestComm XLB addresss snooping disabled.
16 SE Snoop Enable. This sets the address snooping enablement on the XLB.
0 = Disable address snooping. Internally on the XLB, the gbl_b signal is gated (always
negated). This overrides any setting of the Arbiter Snoop Window Register (RW)—MBAR
+ 0x1F70.
1 = Allow address snooping. Internally on the XLB, the gbl_b signal is not gated, and
assertions of this signal during address tenures will be recognized.
17 USE_WWF Force write-with-flush transfer type (TT) for PCI, BestComm, and USB interfaces to XLB.
0 = Write-with-kill operation is allowed on burst transactions.
1 = Always use write-with-flush on burst transactions.
18 TBEN Timebase Enable. This bit is used as a “count enable” control input for the timebase counter
in the 603e core.
0 = Timebase should stop clocking.
1 = Timebase should continue clocking.
19 — Reserved
20 WS Minimum Wait State. This bit sets the minimum number of wait states for slaves to respond
with AACK assertion on the XLB.
0 = 0 minimum wait state.
1 = 1 minimum wait state.
21:23 SP[2:0] Select Parked Master. These bits set the master that is used in Park on Programmed
Master mode (000 = master 0, 001 = master 1, ..., 111 = master 7).
24 — Reserved