MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1
15-8 Freescale Semiconductor
PSC Registers—MBAR + 0x2000, 0x2200, 0x2400, 0x2600, 0x2800, 0x2C00
15.2.3 Status Register (0x04) SR
The read-only SR register shows status of the transmitter, the receiver, and the FIFO.
3TxCTSUART / SIR—Transmitter clear-to-send—If both TxCTS and TxRTS are enabled, TxCTS controls the
operation of the transmitter. TxCTS is not used in Codec mode.
0 = CTS has no effect on the transmitter.
1 = Enables clear-to-send operation. The transmitter checks the state of CTS each time it is ready
to send a character.
If CTS is asserted, the character is sent
If it is negated, the channel TxD remains in a high state and transmission is delayed until CTS is
Changes in CTS as a character is being sent do not affect its transmission.
other Modes—Reserved
4:7 SB UART —Stop-Bit (length control)—Selects the stop bit length that is appended to the transmitted
character. Stop-bit lengths of 9/16th to 2 bits are programmable for 6-, 8-bit characters. Lengths of 1
1/16th to 2 bits are programmable for 5-bit characters. In all cases, the receiver checks only for a high
condition at the center of the first stop-bit position, that is, one bit-time after the last data bit or after
the parity bit, if parity is enabled. Therefore the receiver doesn’t support a stop bit length less than
one. Not used in Codec mode, see Table15-9.
other Modes—Reserved

Table15-9. Stop-Bit Lengths

SB 5 Bits 6–8 Bits SB 5 Bits 6–8 Bits SB 5–8 Bits SB 5–8 Bits
0000 1.063 0.563 0100 1.313 0.813 1000 1.563 1100 1.813
0001 1.125 0.625 0101 1.375 0.875 1001 1.625 1101 1.875
0010 1.188 0.688 0110 1.438 0.938 1010 1.688 1110 1.938
0011 1.250 0.750 0111 1.500 1.000 1011 1.750 1111 2.000

Table15-10. Status Register (0x04) for UART Mode

msb 012345678 9 101112131415 lsb
CDE Error Reser ved
RESET:000000000 0 0 000 0 0

Table1 5-11. Status Register (0x04) for SIR Mode

msb 012345678 9 101112131415 lsb
Error Reserved
RESET:000000000 0 0 000 0 0
Bit Name Description