MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1
15-6 Freescale Semiconductor
PSC Registers—MBAR + 0x2000, 0x2200, 0x2400, 0x2600, 0x2800, 0x2C00
Table15-4. Mode Register 1 (0x00) for SIR Mode
msb 01234567 lsb
Table15-5. Mode Register 1 (0x00) for other Modes
msb 01234567 lsb
RReserved RxIRQ/FFUL
Bit Name Description
0RxRTSUART / SIR—Receiver request-to-send—Allows RTS output to control the CTS input of the
transmitting device to prevent receiver overrun. If both the receiver and transmitter are incorrectly
programmed for RTS control, RTS control is disabled for both. Transmitter RTS control is configured
in MR2[TxRTS]. Not used in Codec mode.
0 = Receiver has no effect on RTS.
1 = When a valid start bit is received, RTS is negated if the PSC FIFO is full. RTS is reasserted
when the FIFO has an empty position available.
other Modes—Reserved
1 RxIRQ/
Receiver interrupt select.
0 = RxRDY is the source that generates IRQ
1 = FFULL is the source that generates IRQ.
3:4 PM UART—Parity mode—Selects the parity or multidrop mode for the channel. The parity bit is added
to the transmitted character, and the receiver performs a parity check on incoming data. The value
of PM affects PT, as shown Table 1 5-6 . PM is not used in Codec mode.
other Modes—Reserved
5PTUART—Parity Type—PM and PT together select parity type (PM = 0x) or determine whether a data
or address character is transmitted (PM = 11). PT is not used in Codec mode. See Table15-6.
other Modes—Reserved
6:7 B/C UART—Bits per Character—Select the number of data bits per character to be sent. The values
shown do not include start, parity, or stop bits. B/C is not used in Codec mode.
00 = 5 bits
01 = 6 bits
10 = 7 bits
11 = 8 bits
other Modes—Reserved
Table15-6. Parity Mode/ Parity Type Definitions
PM Parity Mode Parity Type (PT =0) Parity Type (PT =1)
00 With parity Even parity Odd parity