MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1
15-22 Freescale Semiconductor
PSC Registers—MBAR + 0x2000, 0x2200, 0x2400, 0x2600, 0x2800, 0x2C00
15.2.12 Counter Timer Upper Register (0x18)CTUR
This write-only register holds the upper bytes of the preload value used by the timer to provide a given Baud rate. Reading from this register
shows the current value of the Baud rate generation counter.For a detailed description see the next section, Section 15.2.13, Counter Timer
Lower Register (0x1C)—CTLR.
8DEOFMIR / FIR Detect End of Frame
0 = DEOF has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for DEOF.
other Modes—Reserved
9 Error Error
0 = Error bit in the ISR register has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for Error
10:11 Reserved
12 CMD_SEND Enhanced AC97 Mode—Command Send ready
0 = CMD_SEND bit in the ISR register has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for CMD_SEND
other Modes—Reserved
13 DATA_OVR Enhanced AC97 Mode—Receive Data Overwrite
0 = DATA_OVR bit in the ISR register has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for DATA_OVR
other Modes—Reserved
14 DATA_VALID Enhanced AC97 Mode—Received Status Data
0 = DATA_VALID bit in the ISR register has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for DATA_VALID
other Modes—Reserved
Enhanced AC97 Mode—Unexpected RX Slots detect
0 = UNEX_RX_SLOT bit in the ISR register has no effect on the interrupt.
1 = Enable the interrupt for UNEX_RX_SLOT
other Modes—Reserved

Table15-30. Counter Timer Upper Register (0x18) for all Modes

msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lsb
W CTUR[0:7]
Bit Name Description
0:7 CTUR Code—Frame Sync width, define the number of Bit clocks during the FrameSync signal is
FrameSync Width = CTUR[0:7]+1
UART/ SIR/ SPI —Baud rate prescaler value.
See next section, Section 15.2.13, Counter Timer Lower Register (0x1C)—CTLR
Bit Name Description