Supervisory Operation

Operating Instructions

Second line in display:

<ADJ>; refers to the user programmed adjective descriptor from library list resident in the control panel or custom entry via PC.

<NOUN>; refers to the user programmed noun descriptor from library list resident in the control panel or custom entry via PC.

Third line in display: Z000 indicates the zone programmed to this device which, in this example, is general alarm Zone 000. Note that a single device can be programmed to five different zones but only the first zone will be displayed.

Fourth line in display:

Time; the current time in this example is 10:00A which represents 10:00 AM

Date; the current month, day and year in this example is 01 for January, 08 for the 8th day of the month and 01 for the year 2001

Device Address; 1M001 in this example 1 represents SLC Loop, M represents a module and 001 represents device address 001

4.6 Supervisory Operation

Supervisory operation is similar to alarm operation but with the following differences:

The piezo sounder pulses ½ second On and ½ second Off

The Supervisory LED flashes ½ second On and ½ second Off

The LCD displays the status label Active Supervisory along with the device name, type, address, adjective/noun, associated zones and time/date

Communicate the supervisory condition to the Central Station

The supervisory relay is activated

The alarm relay is not activated

Silenced alarms are resounded

Timers are not started

Store event in history buffer

Terminate upload or download communications

A typical Supervisory event would be displayed as illustrated in the following:


Z000 10:00A 010801 1M001

Note that, like alarms, supervisory signals latch (except when programmed for supervisory autoresettable) and can be assigned to software zones. Supervisory alarms do not cause resound as do other alarm conditions. Open circuits in supervisory wiring are processed by the control panel the same way as other trouble conditions. Refer to "Alarm Operation" on page 132, for a description of the information displayed on the control panel LCD.

MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:A 11/04/05