
Master Programming Level

A flashing cursor will appear in the position of the first asterisk to the left. The programmer keys in the three digit module address, such as 012. When the last digit is keyed-in, if the selected address has not been added to programming, a screen showing information about the highest address that is installed will be displayed. If no modules are installed on the loop, the following screen will be displayed:



Edit Module Screen

If the selected address has been added to programming but a module (such as a monitor module) with the selected address is not physically installed on the SLC or has a communication fault, the following screen will be displayed:




If the selected address has been added to programming and a module (such as a monitor module) with the selected address is physically installed on the SLC and is communicating with the control panel, the following screen will be displayed:


To change the programming for the displayed module, press the keyboard down arrow key to view the following Edit Monitor screens. In the preceding example:

Normal - indicates that the module with the selected address is physically installed on the SLC and communicating with the control panel (enabled)

<ADJ><NOUN> - represents the adjective and noun, which have been programmed, describing the location of the displayed device

ZNNN - represents the first of five possible software zones that the module is assigned to (NNN = the two digit zone number from 000 - 099)

1M012 - represents the Loop, Device type and Device address (1 = SLC Loop 1, M=Module and 012 = Module Address 012)

W or * - indicates whether or not the device is programmed for Walktest (W = programmed for walktest, * = not programmed for walktest).


MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:A 11/04/05