Programming | Master Programming Level |
If no detectors have been installed on the loop, the following will be displayed:
NO DETECTORINSTALLEDEdit Detector Screen #1If the selected address has been added to programming, device summary screens will be displayed. These screens allow the programmer to view all device settings at a single glance. Pressing the left or right arrow keys will allow the programmer to rapidly view the devices at the previous or next address (if installed).
If a detector (such as a photoelectric detector) with the selected address is not physically installed on the SLC or has a communication fault but the address is programmed in the system, the following screen will be displayed:
TROUBL SMOKE(PHOTO) <ADJ><NOUN>ZNNN*1D017Edit Detector Screen #1
If the selected address has been added to programming and a detector (such as a photoelectric detector) with the selected address is physically installed on the SLC and is communicating with the control panel, the following will be displayed:
NORMAL SMOKE (PHOTO) <ADJ><NOUN>ZNNN V 1D017Edit Detector Screen #1
To change the programming for the displayed detector, press the keyboard ‘down’ arrow key to view the Edit Detector screens.
In the preceding example:
Normal - indicates that the detector with the selected address is physically installed on the SLC and communicating with the control panel (enabled)
<ADJ><NOUN> - represents the adjective and noun, which have been programmed, describing the location of the displayed device
ZNNN - represents the first of five possible software zones that the detector is assigned to (NNN = the three digit zone number from 000 - 099)
V or * - indicates whether or not alarm verification is enabled (V = alarm verification enabled and * = alarm verification disabled)
1D017 - represents the Loop, Device type and Device address (1 = SLC Loop, D=Detector and 017 = Detector Address 017)
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