Application start and stop scripts have to be available on the primary as well as the takeover node. They are not transferred during synchronization; so, the administrator of a cluster has to ensure that they are found in the same path location, with the same permissions and in the same state, i.e. changes have to be transferred manually.
2.5.3 Licensing Methods
Some vendors require a unique license for each processor that runs an application, which means that you must
This can be done by “floating licenses”, where a license server is asked to grant the permission to run an application on request, as well as
2.5.4 Coexistence with other Applications
In case of a failover, a node might have to handle several applications concurrently. This means the applications data or resources must not conflict with each other. Again, the Application Worksheets can help in deciding whether certain resources might conflict with others.
2.5.5 Critical/Non-Critical Prioritizations
Building a highly available environment for