List of Abbreviations
AIX | Advanced Interactive |
| Executive |
APA | All Points Addressable |
APAR | Authorized Program |
| Analysis Report |
| The description of a |
| problem to be fixed by |
| IBM defect support. |
| This fix is delivered in a |
| PTF (see below). |
ARP | Address Resolution |
| Protocol |
ASCII | American Standard |
| Code for Information |
| Interchange |
AS/400 | Application System/400 |
CDF | Cumulative Distribution |
| Function |
Compact Disk - Read | |
| Only Memory |
CLM | Cluster Lock Manager |
CLVM | Concurrent Logical |
| Volume Manager |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRM | Concurrent Resource |
| Manager |
DE | Differential Ended |
DLC | Data Link Control |
DMS | Deadman Switch |
DNS | Domain Name Service |
DSMIT | Distributed System |
| Management Interface |
| Tool |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data |
| Interface |
F/W | Fast and Wide (SCSI) |
GB | Gigabyte |
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 |
GODM | Global Object Data |
| Manager |
GUI | Graphical User |
| Interface |
HACMP | High Availability Cluster |
| |
HANFS | High Availability |
| Network File System |
HCON | Host Connection |
| Program |
IBM | International Business |
| Machines Corporation |
I/O | Input/Output |
IP | Interface Protocol |
IPL | Initial Program Load |
| (System Boot) |
ITSO | International Technical |
| Support Organization |
JFS | Journaled File System |
KA | Keepalive Packet |
KB | kilobyte |
Kb | kilobit |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LU | Logical Unit (SNA |
| definition) |
LUN | Logical Unit (RAID |
| definition) |
LVM | Logical Volume |
| Manager |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
MB | megabyte |
MIB | Management |
| Information Base |
MTBF | Mean Time Between |
| Failure |