User Status Message | Status | Action |
Printing Menu Settings | The printer is processing | Press Stop to take the |
| or printing a list of | printer out of Ready. |
| current settings menus | The Not Ready |
| because Print Menu | message is displayed. |
| Settings is selected from | No more data is |
| the menu. | processed, but the |
| printer processes all |
| paper currently in the |
| printer paper path. |
| Press Go to return to |
| Ready after the page |
| prints. Press Menu> |
| or <Menu to take the |
| printer out of Ready |
| and enter the TESTS |
| MENU (Busy State). |
| Press Select for the |
| values. Press Menu> |
| until Reset Printer is |
| on the second line of |
| the display. Press |
| Select to reset the |
| printer. |
Printing Directory List | A directory of the flash | Press Stop to take the |
| and disk contents is | printer out of Ready. |
| processing or printing | The Not Ready |
| because Print Directory | message is displayed. |
| is selected from the | No more data is |
| menu. | processed, but the |
| printer processes all |
| paper currently in the |
| paper path. Press Go |
| to return to Ready |
| after the page prints. |
| Press Menu> or |
| <Menu to take the |
| printer out of Ready |
| and enter the TESTS |
| MENU (Busy Stat). |
| Press Select for the |
| values. Press Menu> |
| until Reset Printer is |
| on the second line of |
| the display. Press |
| Select to reset the |
| printer. |
Diagnostic Information