Fuser Solenoid Service Check
Service Tip: Try changing the envelope enhance level setting. A different setting may correct the problem.
Note: Check the fuser envelope conditioner solenoid adjustment as described in the adjustment section “Fuser Solenoid Adjustment” on page
| FRU | Action |
1 | Fuser Envelope Conditioner | The operation of the fuser solenoid |
| Solenoid | can be observed by removing the |
| redrive assembly. Check for proper |
| mechanical operation of the solenoid |
| and associated hardware, link and so |
| on. If correct, check the resistance of |
| the solenoid between |
| The resistance measures between 5 |
| ohms and 10 ohms. If incorrect, |
| replace the solenoid assembly. |
2 | Fuser Control Board | The solenoid receives power from the |
| engine board. The fuser control board |
| receives +42Vdc from the LVPS via |
| the interconnect board. Check for |
| approximately +42 V dc at the |
| +42 V dc test point on the fuser control |
| board. If the voltage is correct, replace |
| the fuser control board. |
3 | LVPS | If the +42 V dc test point does not |
| Interconnect Board | measure approximately +42 V dc, |
| check the voltage at |
| LVPS. The voltage measures |
| approximately |
| +42 V dc. If the voltage is correct, |
| replace the interconnect board |
| assembly. If the voltage is incorrect, |
| replace the LVPS. |
4 | Fuser DC Cable (Engine | Check for continuity of the DC fuser |
| Board to Fuser Board Cable) | cable that is attached between J2 on |
| Engine Board | the engine board and J1 on the fuser |
| control board. If the cable does not |
| measure continuity, replace the cable. |
| If the cable measures continuity, |
| replace the engine board. |