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| |
| Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual. |
| |||
| ||
| |
| The ammeter on the Control Box | 1. Make sure the DIP switches are | 1. Perform the Current |
| |
| does not function properly even | configured correctly for the | Transducer Test. Power Wave | ||
| though the STATUS LEDs are | welding process and polarity | 455 Service Manual. |
| |
| steady green. |
| used. See Setting DIP |
| Switches in the Wire Drive in | 2. The control board, located in the | |
| the Installation section of this | power source, may be faulty. |
| manual. |
| 2. Check the following connections |
| on the Power Wave 455 |
| machine. Check for loose or |
| faulty connections between plug |
| J90 at the current transducer |
| and plug J21 on the Power |
| Wave 455 control board. |
| ||
| The display and/or indicator LEDs | 1. Check for loose or faulty con- | 1. Check suspected potentiometer | ||
| do not change when their corre- | nections between the encoder | and/or switches for correct |
| |
| sponding switches and or knobs | panel and the Control Box con- | resistances and operation. |
| |
| are activated or turned. |
| trol board. |
| 2. Refer to machine schematics for | |
| 2. Check for loose or faulty con- | lead numbers and voltages. |
| nections between the appropri- |
| ate switches and the Control | 3. The Control Box control board |
| Box control board. | may be faulty. |
| |
| The mode and/or settings change | 1. Contact the Lincoln Electric ser- |
| |
| while welding under normal condi- | vice dept. for possible software |
| |
| tions. |
| updates. (Please ref. your cur- |
| rent software number.) |
| ||
| The feeder resets when the gun | 1. The auxiliary reconnect (Lead | 1. Perform the Power Board Test. | ||
| trigger is activated. The LEDs blink | “A”) may not be configured cor- | Powerwave service manual. |
| |
| and the displays are intermittent. | rectly. See Figure A.2. in the |
| |
| installation Section of this manu- | 2. Perform the Auxiliary |
| al. | Transformer Test #1. |
| Powerwave Service Manual. |
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the test/repairs safely, con- tact the Lincoln Electric Service Department at