Installing NEC 1765 Software for TCP/IP
•Sometimes NEC 1765 software requires additional memory to run. You can free more memory by closing unused software applications.
•Only the system administrator should install and use NEC 1765 Administration software. Network users can use NEC 1765 Client software to manage print jobs across the network.
•Install NEC 1765 Client software on each client computer.
To install NEC 1765 software on Windows systems you need
•a computer with an 80386 SX processor operating at 16 mhz or above
•for Windows 3.1x, at least 8 megabytes of RAM and preferably more
•for Windows 95, at least 8 megabytes of RAM and preferably more
•a hard disk with at least 2 megabytes available
note: Both NEC 1765 Administration software and NEC 1765 Client software are easier to use with a mouse. NEC 1765 software also supports hot key combinations. Underlined letters indicate a hot key. Press Alt and the underlined letter to use a hot key combination. Press Tab to move from field to field. Press the Up and Down arrows to scroll.