NEC 1765 Client Software for NetWare 6–5
6 NEC 1765 Client Software
Changing the Status Polling Rate
The status polling rate determines how often the
NEC 1765 Client software requests updates from the
LAN card. The rate is defined in seconds with a default
value of 30 seconds and a range of 5 to 255 seconds.
1. From the Printer Client Access window select the
Option menu.
2. The Time Definition dialog box displays the current
polling rate.
3. Type the new polling rate in the LAN Card Polling
Rate text box.
4. Select the OK button to sa ve the new i nformation
and leave the Time Definition dialog box
Select the Cancel button to keep the old information
and leave the Time Definition dialog box.
Changing the Response Timeout
The LAN card response timeout defines how long the
NEC 1765 Client software waits for an update from the
LAN card before displaying an error message. The rate
is defined in seconds with a default value of 5 seconds
and a range of 5 to 255 seconds.
1. From the Printer Client Access window select the
Option menu.
2. The Time Definition dialog box displays the current
response time.
3. Type the new response time in the LAN Card
Response Time text box.
4. Select the OK button to sa ve the new i nformation
and leave the Time Definition dialog box
Select the Cancel button to keep the old information
and leave the Time Definition dialog box.
Using Online Help
NEC 1765 software includes an online help system.
1. From the Printer Client Access window select the
Help menu or the Help button.
2. If you selected the Help menu, select the Index
3. Click a topic to display detailed information.
4. Click the Index button to return to the topic list.
5. Select the Exit option from the File menu to quit.