Electro Magnetic Interference/Compatibility
Electro MagneticInterference/Compatibility
Note: Nearly every electronic devi ce is
susceptible to electrom agnetic
interference(EMI)if inadequately
shielded,designedor otherwise
configured for electromagnetic


Toa void electromagnetic in terference and/or
compatibilityconflicts,turn offyour radio productin
anyfacility where postednotices instruct you to do
so.Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be using
equipmentthat is sensitiveto external RF energy.


Wheninstructed to do so,t urnoff your radio
product when on board an aircraft. A ny use of a
radio product must be in accordan ce with
applicableregulationsper airline crew instructions.
Medical Devices


TheAdvanced Medical TechnologyAssociation
(AdvaMed) recommends t hat a minimum
separation of 6 inches (15 cm) be mai ntained
betweena handheld wirelessradio product anda
pacemaker.These recommendationsare
consistentwith those ofthe U.S. Food and Drug
Persons with pacemakers sho uld:
ALWAYSkeep the radio p roduct more than 6
inches (15 cm) from their p acemaker when the
radioprod ucti stu rned ON.
Not carry the radio product in a breast poc ket.
Useth e ear opposite the pace maker to minimize
thep otential for interference .
Turnt he radio product OFF immediat ely if you
haveany reason to suspect that interferenceis

Hearing Aids

Somedigital wirelessr adioproducts may interfere
with some hearing aids. In the eve nt of such
interference, you may wan t to consult your hearing
aid manufacturer to discuss alt ernatives.