Limitationon Third PartyBeneficiaries - This
Agreement is not for the benefit of any third par ty
other than the Nextel Associat es.
Governing Law - The laws of the state associated
willgovern this Agreement,without regard tothe
conflictsof lawsrules of that state. This Agreement
isalso subject to applicablefederal laws and
federalor state regulationsor tariffs
Entire Agreement - This Agreement and the
policiesto which it refers(e.g., Return Policy,Plan
Information,and PaymentForms, to the extent
suchdocumentation may beapplicable), form the
entireAgreement betweenCustomer and Nextel.
Thereare no oral or writtenagreements between
Customer and Nextel ot her than as set forth i n this
Agreement. If Customer is a bu siness, Nextel shall
notb e bound by the terms a nd conditions inclu ded
inCustomer's purchase ordersor elsewhere,
unlessexpressly agreedto in writing by a duly
authorizedofficerof Nextel. If any provision of this
Agreementis found to be illegalor otherwise
invalid,theremainder of this Agreementwill remain
enforceable. If, at any time, Nextel fa ils to enforce
anyright or remedy underthis Agreement
(including, but not limit ed to, a waiver of Nex tel's
rightto writtennotice under the Agreement),Nextel
shall retain the right to enforce su ch right or
remedy at a later time.