Private Direct TalkSM Calls
Private Direct TalkSM Calls
You can have a private conversat ion with another
personusing DirectTalk. When on a private Direct
Talkcall, no other partiescan hear your
conversation.In order to ma kea p rivate Direct Talk
call,you must use the validNextel 10-digit
Personal Telephone Numb er (PTN) of the person
youar ec alling. The person you are callin gm ust be
inDirect Talk mode and set to the same channelto
receive your call.
Ifyou receive an error message:
Thep erson that you are trying to rea ch may not
bein D irect Talk mode.
adifferent channel oris outof range.

Private Only

Tolim it Direct Talk to priv ate conversation on ly, set
yourcode to Private Only. In th is mode, code calls
will be ignored and only private call s can be made
before pressing the PTT button.
Toset the code toPr ivate Only:
1Fromt he Direct Talk idle screen, pre ss Aunder
2Scrollto Code.
3PressAunder Edit.
4SelectPvt O nly.

Making a Private Direct TalkSMCall

1Enterthe 10-digitPTN of the person you want to
call on your channel. -or-
Scroll to a number in the recent calls li st.
2Pressand hold the PTTbutton. Begin speaking
after your phone emits the Di rect Talk tone.
3Release the PTT button t o listen.
The number or name of the person you ar e calling
will appear in the first line of the displ ay.

Receiving a Private Direct TalkSM Call

Thenumber or name of theperson who initiated
thecall will appear in thefirst line of the display.

Ending a Private Direct TalkSMCall

Aprivate Direct Talkcall will end if thereis no
communicationfor 6 seconds.