DeletingRecent Cal ls
3Tostore the numbe ras a n ewe ntry,s elect [New
Tostore the number to anexisting entry, select
thee ntry.
4With the Contacts type field highlig hted, scroll
leftor ri ght to display the Co ntacts type you want
toassign to the number.For information on
Contactstypes, seepage 39.
5Ifyou want to add more informationto the entry,
follow the applicable instruction s in “Creating
Entries” on page 41.
6PressAunder Done.
Deleting Recent Calls
Todelete a call:
1From the recent calls li st, scroll to the call you
wantto delete.
3SelectDelete .
4PressAunder Yes to confirm.
Todelete all calls:
1Fromthe recent calls list,press m.
2SelectDelete All .
3PressAunder Yes to confirm.