(Gigabyte)1,073,741,824 bytes. See also byte.
hard disk drive | See disk drive. |
hardware | The physical parts of your computer, including the keyboard, |
| monitor, disk drives, cables, and circuit cards. |
I |
IC | (Integrated Circuit) An electronic device that contains |
| miniaturized circuitry. |
(ISA Configuration | The program that you use to change the configuration of some |
Utility) | ISA desktop computers. This program also contains information |
| about the hardware in the computer. |
IDE | (Integrated Drive Electronics) A type of hard disk drive with the |
| control circuitry located inside the disk drive rather than on a |
| drive controller card. |
interface. | A connection between the computer and a peripheral device that |
| enables them to exchange data. See also parallel port and serial |
| port. |
ISA | (Industry Standard Architecture) An industry standard for |
| computers and circuit cards that transfer 16 bits of data at a |
| time. |
J |
jumper | A small electrical connector used for configuration on some |
| computer hardware. |
K |
(Kilobyte) | 1,024 bytes. See also byte. |
L |
LAN | (Local Area Network) A group of computers linked together |
| within a limited area to exchange information. |
LCD | (Liquid Crystal Display) The type of video display used in |
| portable computers. |