Selecting a Site
The system operates reliably in a typical office environment. Choose a site that is:
■Near grounded,
Note: For the United States and Canada, this means a NEMA
CAUTION: Be sure the power service connection is through a properly grounded outlet.
Each power cord can be plugged into a separate phase of a main AC supply, assuming the circuit is rated for that load.
Note: For Denmark, the system must be connected to an AC power source rated at 16 Amps.
■Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields and electrical noise produced by electrical devices (such as air conditioners, large fans, large electric motors, radio and TV transmitters, and
■Spacious enough to provide at least five inches (13 centimeters) behind the system and three inches (eight centimeters) on each side of the system for proper cooling, airflow, and cable clearance
■Easily accessible for system maintenance and installation of system upgrades.