Section 2
General Description
This section provides physical and functional overviews of the SANbox Storage Services Platform (SSP) Management GUI, the StoreAge Storage Virtualization Manager (SVM) solution, and related hardware.
This section covers the following topics:
■SANbox SSP and StoreAge Solution Overview
■SANbox SSP Overview
■Supported Network Configurations
■Port Connections
SANbox SSP and StoreAge Solution Overview
StoreAge SVM is a SAN appliance that together with the SANbox SSP enables highly available networks and provides centralized,
aSAN. For more information about
The SVM GUI is a
Using a standard web browser, you can configure, maintain, and monitor the SANbox SSP chassis through the SANbox SSP Management GUI. The GUI provides access to all chassis management functions, including SANbox SSP status, port management and configuration, diagnostics, and a telnet window.
Alternatively, use the command line interface (CLI), which provides the same functions as the SANbox SSP Management GUI through serial, telnet, or ssh connections. All configuration, maintenance, and monitoring tasks for the SANbox SSP chassis are accessible through the CLI.