AT Command | Description | Page No. |
AT+CSMP | Set Text Mode Parameters | 210 |
AT+CSMS | Select Message Service | 212 |
AT+CSQ | Signal Strength | 89 |
AT+CSSN | Supplementary Service Notification | 255 |
AT+CTZU | Automatic Time Zone Update | 90 |
AT+CUSD | Unstructured Supplementary Service Data | 257 |
AT+CVHU | Voice | 67 |
"AT+F____" | Low Level Fax Commands | 130 |
AT+GCAP | Request Modem Capabilities List | 174 |
AT+ICF | Cable Interface Character Format | 141 |
AT+IFC | 142 | |
AT+ILRR | Cable Interface Local Rate Reporting | 143 |
AT+IPR | Cable Interface Port Command | 143 |
AT+VTS | DTMF and Tone Generation | 67 |
AT+WS46 | Mode Selection | 136 |
ATA | Answer | 61 |
ATD | Dial | 62 |
ATE | Command Echo | 137 |
ATH | Hang up | 64 |
ATI | Identification Information | 133 |
ATO | Return to Online Data Mode | 64 |
ATP | Select Pulse Dialling | 64 |
ATQ | Result Code Suppression | 69 |
ATS0 | Automatic Answer Control | 69 |
ATS10 | Automatic Disconnect Delay Control | 74 |
ATS2 | Escape Sequence Character | 70 |
ATS3 | Command Line Termination Character | 70 |
ATS4 | Response Formatting Character | 71 |
ATS5 | Command Line Editing Character (BACKSPACE) | 72 |
ATS6 | Blind Dial Delay Control | 72 |
ATS7 | Connection Completion Timeout | 72 |
ATS8 | Comma Dial Modifier Delay Control | 72 |
LZT 123 7361 R1A