TABLE C-6 Return Codes for Subcommand diags get tests
Return Code | ID | Description |
NWSE_InvalidArgument | 4 | One or more arguments were incorrect or invalid. |
NWSE_NoPermission | 6 | Not authorized to perform this operation. |
NWSE_MissingArgument | 7 | Missing argument(s). |
Diags Run Tests Subcommand
Description: Submits one or more diagnostic tests for execution.
Command format:
diags run tests [ [{
TABLE C-7 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
TABLE C-7 Arguments for Subcommand diags run tests
Specifies the specific test(s) to execute. Run diags get tests for a list of individual test names.
Specifies that all tests are to be executed. Run diags get tests for a list of all available tests. Specifying no arguments also runs all tests for each device in the server.
Suppresses header output.
Suppresses progress dots when waiting for test results.
Specifies that only tests for the specified module are to be executed. Run diags get tests for a list of modules.
If specified, the Test Details display following the test result line.
The following data displays after a test is run:
■Submitted Test Name
■Test Handle
112 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004