When extracted, the compressed packages in TABLE
/mnt/nsv/ diags logs scripts snmp spupdate
sw_images (this folder appears after you extract one of the
TABLE 4-2 Extracted Files on the Network Share Volume
File Name | Description |
diags | Offline location of the server diagnostics. |
logs | Offline location of the log files for the SP. |
scripts | Sample scripts that can be used for scripting commands. |
snmp | SNMP MIBS. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z |
| Servers, Server Management Guide for details. |
spupdate | The server for updating the SP. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z |
| and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide for |
| details. |
sw_images | Contains a directory hierarchy of |
| files. |
Chapter 4 Further Management Information 69