SP Delete Mount
Description: Deletes a mount point.
Command format:
sp delete mount LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT
TABLE H-60 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
TABLE H-60 Arguments for Subcommand sp delete mount
LOCAL MOUNT POINT Specifies the mount point to remove. If you do not specify the local mount point, /mnt is implicit as the default value.
Return Codes
TABLE H-61 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
TABLE H-61 Return Codes for Subcommand sp delete mount
Return Code | ID | Description |
NWSE_Success | 0 | Command successfully completed. |
NWSE_InvalidUsage | 1 | Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting |
| options specified. |
NWSE_InvalidArgument | 4 | One or more arguments were incorrect or invalid. |
NWSE_NoPermission | 6 | Not authorized to perform this operation. |
NWSE_NoMemory | 8 | Insufficient memory. |
NWSE_Busy | 9 | Device or resource is busy. |
NWSE_RPCConnected | 11 | RPC client already connected. |
NWSE_RPCConnRefused | 12 | RPC connection refused. |
NWSE_NoRouteToHost | 13 | No route to host (network down). |
NWSE_HostDown | 14 | Host is down. |
NWSE_UnknownError | 15 | Miscellaneous error not captured by other errors. |
Appendix H Service Processor Commands 203