You can configure two streaming options that will be available for users to choose between when streaming conferences. For each streaming option, you must choose a media player and a bit rate.
You can configure the MCU to support either (or both of) unicast or multicast streaming. Unicast streaming involves a direct connection between the MCU and the individual user. Multicast streaming involves transmitting a single copy of the video or audio stream to multiple recipients. When choosing to support multicast streaming, ensure that your network has been properly configured to avoid network flooding.
| To access streaming settings, choose | . |
| ||
Controls the ability of the MCU to stream | If this setting is Enabled, you can configure | |
conferences. | streaming on a | |
| individual conferences' configuration pages. For | |
| more information about configuring an individual | |
| conference, refer to Adding and updating | |
| conferences. |
| If this setting is Disabled, it will not be possible to | |
| stream any conferences. |
| |
Permits or prohibits streaming of conferences that | Changing this setting will have no effect on | |
are generated either through the "Create new | currently active ad hoc conferences; however, | |
conference" option in video auto attendants, or | when an ad hoc conference is running, whether | |
calling the MCU with an unknown E.164 | or not streaming is allowed for that conference | |
number. | can be configured (go to | , select the |
| conference you require and select the |
| tab). | |
| Ad hoc conferences are not permitted when Port | |
| reservation is enabled - if the MCU is operating in | |
| port reservation mode then this streaming option | |
| will not be shown. | |
| The MCU is configured with two streaming rates, | The name is optional - if not specified, the | |
| each comprising audio and video encoding | choices offered to users will simply show the | |
| formats (codecs) and overall (i.e. combined) | details of the audio and video codecs, together | |
| media bit rate. The names you enter are the | with the overall media bit rate. | |
| choices offered to users when streaming. |
| This is intended to make the choice easier for |
| potentially |
| rate could be named "low bit rate" and the other |
| "high bit rate". |
| |
| Choose from the available media players. | It is not possible to use Windows Media Player to | |
| stream conferences in multicast mode. | |
| 129 |