The name that users will see on auto attendant screens and on the MCU's web interface.
Conference names must be unique; conferences cannot share names.
Only scheduled conferences have a configurable Name; ad hoc conferences do not have one.
Additional information about the conference, | Use the description to provide more detailed | |
which can assist users joining conferences. | information about the conference than the name | |
| alone conveys. | |
| This is an optional field for scheduled | |
| conferences; ad hoc conferences cannot be given | |
| a description. | |
| |
The unique identifier used for dialing in to the | When connected to an auto attendant, | |
conference (as a chairperson participant) using an | participants can join a conference by typing its | |
auto attendant or through an H.323 gatekeeper or | numeric identifier. | |
SIP registrar. This number can also be used to | If you plan to allow | |
stream the conference from the | ||
you will need to enter either a Numeric ID or a | ||
interface. For more information about | ||
Guest numeric ID. | ||
chairpersons and guests, refer to Using IDs and | ||
If H.323 gatekeeper registration is enabled for a | ||
PINs. | ||
conference, the MCU attempts to register the | ||
| ||
| conference with an E.164 telephone number, | |
| which is comprised of the Registration prefix and | |
| the numeric identifier. | |
| If SIP registration is enabled for a conference, | |
| then the Numeric ID is registered with the SIP | |
| registrar. | |
| Conferences that are simultaneously active must | |
| not share a Numeric ID. For example, a conference | |
| on a Tuesday and a conference on a Thursday can | |
| share a Numeric ID, whereas two permanent | |
| conferences cannot share a Numeric ID. The same | |
| number can be used for the Guest numeric ID, if | |
| there are two different PINs. Additionally, | |
| because the numeric identifier is used in | |
| gatekeeper registration, conferences and auto | |
| attendants cannot share a numeric identifier | |
| value. | |
| For more information, refer to Using IDs and | |
| PINs. | |
| For ad hoc conferences created via the auto | |
| attendant, the number allocated by the | |
| conference creator becomes the Numeric ID. If ad | |
| hoc conferences are registered with the | |
| gatekeeper (and for this to work, the Register ad | |
| hoc conferences with gatekeeper control must be | |
| |
| 27 |