This setting controls for how long (if at all) the | When displayed, the Codian logo appears in the |
Codian logo is displayed to participants joining a | bottom right of a participant's conference display. |
conference. Choose from: |
Allows you to enter a message that will be seen | The duration of the message is configured using |
by participants joining conferences on the MCU. | the |
The message is displayed at the bottom of a | control. |
participant's conference display. |
This setting controls for how long (if at all) | If you want streaming viewers to see the |
participants joining a conference will see the | welcome message, you must configure the |
conference welcome message. Choose from: | duration as permanent. |
This setting controls whether (and for how long) | The "Conference welcome message" (described |
participants shown in view panes are accompanied | above) and any other overlaid textual messages |
by their supplied name. | (for instance information on how soon the |
| conference is going to end, or endpoints leaving |
| and joining the conference) will take priority over |
| the displaying of participant names for the |
| duration of those messages. |
You typically only need to modify these advanced settings if you are working with a support engineer or setting up more complicated configurations.
| Restricts the MCU's choice of audio codecs to be | When communicating with an endpoint, the |
| used for transmitting audio to endpoints. | MCU receives a list of supported audio codecs |
| from the endpoint. The MCU chooses an audio |
| codec from those available, and sends audio data |
| to the endpoint in that format. |
| Note that the Custom codec selection setting for an |
| individual endpoint will override this |
| setting for calls to that endpoint. |
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