TI-83 Plus Math, Angle, and Test Operations 97
ANGLE Operations


To display the ANGLE menu, press y [ANGLE]. The ANGLE menu displays

angle indicators and instructions. The Radian/Degree mode setting affects

the TI-83 Plus’s interpretation of ANGLE menu entries.

1: ¡Degree notation
2: ' DMS minute notation
3: rRadian notation
4: 8DMS Displays as degree/minute/second
5: R8Pr( Returns r, given X and Y
6: R8Pq(Returns q, given X and Y
7: P8Rx( Returns x, given R and q
8: P8Ry( Returns y, given R and q

Entry Notation

DMS (degrees/minutes/seconds) entry notation comprises the degree

symbol (¡), the minute symbol ('), and the second symbol ("). degrees

must be a real number; minutes and seconds must be real numbers 0.
