TI-83 Plus Inferential Statistics and Distributions 421
Input Description
x2 The count of successes from sample two for the
2.PropZTest and 2.PropZInt. Must be an integer 0.
n1 The count of observations in sample one for the
2.PropZTest and 2.PropZInt. Must be an integer > 0.
n2 The count of observations in sample two for the
2.PropZTest and 2.PropZInt. Must be an integer > 0.
C.Level The confidence level for the interval instructions. Must be
0 and <100. If it is 1, it is assumed to be given as a
percent and is divided by 100. Default=0.95.
Observed (Matrix) The matrix name that represents the columns and rows
for the observed values of a two-way table of counts for
2.Test. Observed must contain all integers 0. Matrix
dimensions must be at least 2×2.
Expected (Matrix) The matrix name that specifies where the expected
values should be stored. Expected is created upon
successful completion of the c2.Test.
Xlist, Ylist The names of the lists containing the data for LinRegTTest.
Defaults are L1 and L2, respectively. The dimensions of
Xlist and Ylist must be the same.
RegEQ The prompt for the name of the Y= variable where the
calculated regression equation is to be stored. If a
Y= variable is specified, that equation is automatically
selected (turned on). The default is to store the
regression equation to the RegEQ variable only.