TI-83 Plus Math, Angle, and Test Operations 63
Keyboard Math Operations
Using Lists with Math Operations
Math operations that are valid for lists return a list calculated element by
element. If you use two lists in the same expression, they must be the
same length.
+ (Addition), N (Subtraction), ä (Multiplication), à (Division)
You can use + (addition, Ã), N (subtraction, ¹), ä (multiplication, ¯), and
à (division, ¥) with real and complex numbers, expressions, lists, and
matrices. You cannot use à with matrices.
valueA+valueB valueA N valueB
valueAävalueB valueA à valueB
Trigonometric Functions
You can use the trigonometric (trig) functions (sine, ˜; cosine, ;
and tangent, š) with real numbers, expressions, and lists. The current
angle mode setting affects interpretation. For example, sin(30) in Radian
mode returns L.9880316241; in Degree mode it returns .5.