TI-83 Plus Programming 538
Instructions Comments
rgmASM2)Compiles an assembly language program written in
ASCII and stores the hex version
AsmPrgm Identifies an assembly language program; must be
entered as the first line of an assembly language
To compile an assembly program that you have written:
1. Follow the steps for writing a program (16-4) but be sure to include
AsmPrgm as the first line of your program.
2. From the home screen, press y N and then select AsmComp(
to paste it to the screen
3. Press ๎‚ to display the PRGM EXEC menu.
4. Select the program you want to compile. It will be pasted to the home
5. Press ยข and then select prgm from the CATALOG
6. Key in the name you have chosen for the output program.
Note: This name must be unique โ€” not a copy of an existing program