TI-83 Plus Draw Instructions 239
Storing Graph Pictures (Pic)
To display the DRAW STO menu, press y < |. When you select an
instruction from the DRAW STO menu, the TI-83 Plus returns to the home
screen or the program editor. The picture and graph database
instructions are not interactive.
1: StorePic Stores the current picture.
2: RecallPic Recalls a saved picture.
3: StoreGDB Stores the current graph database.
4: RecallGDB Recalls a saved graph database.
Storing a Graph Picture
You can store up to 10 graph pictures, each of which is an image of the
current graph display, in picture variables Pic1 through Pic9, or Pic0.
Later, you can superimpose the stored picture onto a displayed graph
from the home screen or a program.