TI-83 Plus Applications 461
Defining the Payment Method
Pmt_End and Pmt_Bgn (menu items E and F) specify a transaction as an
ordinary annuity or an annuity due. When you execute either command,
the TVM Solver is updated.
Pmt_End (payment end) specifies an ordinary annuity, where payments
occur at the end of each payment period. Most loans are in this category.
Pmt_End is the default.
On the TVM Solver’s PMT:END BEGIN line, select END to set PMT to
ordinary annuity.
Pmt_Bgn (payment beginning) specifies an annuity due, where payments
occur at the beginning of each payment period. Most leases are in this
On the TVM Solver’s PMT:END BEGIN line, select BEGIN to set PMT to
annuity due.