TI-83 Plus Operating the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition 27
Variable Type Names
Graph pictures Pic1, Pic2, ... , Pic9, Pic0
Strings Str1, Str2, ... , Str9, Str0
Apps Applications
AppVars Application variables
Groups Grouped variables
System variables Xmin, Xmax, and others
Notes about Variables
• You can create as many list names as memory will allow
(Chapter 11).
• Programs have user-defined names and share memory with
variables (Chapter 16).
• From the home screen or from a program, you can store to matrices
(Chapter 10), lists (Chapter 11), strings (Chapter 15), system
variables such as Xmax (Chapter 1), TblStart (Chapter 7), and all Y=
functions (Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6).
• From an editor, you can store to matrices, lists, and Y= functions
(Chapter 3).
• From the home screen, a program, or an editor, you can store a
value to a matrix element or a list element.