TI-83 Plus Communication Link 635
G:SendOS Sends operating system updates to another
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus.
H:Back Up... Selects all RAM and mode settings (no Flash applications
or archived items) for backup to another
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or to a TI-83 Plus.
When you select an item on the LINK SEND menu, the corresponding
SELECT screen is displayed.
Note: Each SELECT screen, except All+…, is initially displayed with nothing pre-
selected. All+… is displayed with everything pre-selected.
To select items to send:
1. Press y 8 on the sending unit to display the LINK SEND menu.
2. Select the menu item that describes the data type to send. The
corresponding SELECT screen is displayed.
3. Press } and to move the selection cursor ( 4 ) to an item you want
to select or deselect.