TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 112
You may use functions and variables (including matrices and lists)
in the expression. When the expression evaluates to a nonreal
number, the value is not plotted; no error is returned.
The independent variable in the function is X. Func mode defines
as X. To enter X, press or press ƒ [X].
When you enter the first character, the = is highlighted, indicating
that the function is selected.
As you enter the expression, it is stored to the variable Y
as a user-
defined function in the Y= editor.
4. Press Í or to move the cursor to the next function.
Defining a Function from the Home Screen or a Program
To define a function from the home screen or a program, begin on a
blank line and follow these steps.
1. Press ƒ [ã], enter the expression, and then press ƒ [ã]
2. Press ¿.
3. Press ~ 1 to select 1:Function from the VARS Y.VARS menu.