TI-83 Plus Activities 576
Graphing the Unit Circle and TrigonometricCurves
Using parametric graphing mode, graph the unit circle and the sine curve
to show the relationship between them.
Any function that can be plotted in Func mode can be plotted in Par mode
by defining the X component as T and the Y component as F(T).
1. Press z. Select Par, Simul, and the default settings.
2. Press p. Set the viewing window.
Tmin=0 Xmin=L2 Ymin=L3
Tmax=2pXmax=7.4 Ymax=3
Tstep=.1 Xscl=2 Yscl=1
3. Press o. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the expressions
to define the unit circle centered on (0,0).