TI-83 Plus General Information 755
Ymin is the center of the next-to-the-bottom pixel; Ymax is the center of
the top pixel. @Y is the distance between the centers of two adjacent
In Full screen mode, @Y is calculated as (Ymax N Ymin) à 62. In Horiz
split-screen mode, @Y is calculated as (Ymax N Ymin) à 30. In G.T
split-screen mode, @Y is calculated as (Ymax N Ymin) à 50.
If you enter a value for @Y from the home screen or a program in Full
screen mode, Ymax is calculated as Ymin + @Y 62. In Horiz split-
screen mode, Ymax is calculated as Ymin + @Y 30. In G.T split-
screen mode, Ymax is calculated as Ymin + @Y 50.
Cursor coordinates are displayed as eight-character numbers (which
may include a negative sign, decimal point, and exponent) when Float
mode is selected. X and Y are updated with a maximum accuracy of
eight digits.
minimum and maximum on the CALCULATE menu are calculated with a
tolerance of 1EL5; f(x)dx is calculated at 1EL3. Therefore, the result
displayed may not be accurate to all eight displayed digits. For most
functions, at least five accurate digits exist. For fMin(, fMax(, and fnInt(
on the MATH menu and solve( in the CATALOG, the tolerance can be