TI-83 Plus Statistics 365
Statistical VariablesThe statistical variables are calculated and stored as indicated below. To
access these variables for use in expressions, press , and select
5:Statistics. Then select the VARS menu shown in the column below under
VARS menu. If you edit a list or change the type of analysis, all statistical
variables are cleared.
Variables 1
Stats 2
Stats Other
mean of x values vv XY
sum of x values GxGxG
sum of x2 values Gx2Gx2G
sample standard deviation of xSxSx XY
population standard deviation of xsxsxXY
number of data points nn XY
mean of y values wXY
sum of y values GyG
sum of y2 values Gy2G
sample standard deviation of ySyXY
population standard deviation of ysyXY