TI-83 Plus Index 765
4Rect (to rectangular), 91, 679
row(, 282, 680
row+(, 282, 680
@Tbl (table step variable), 205
¨TEMP, 471
¨TREF, 471
¨VOLT, 471
¨VREF, 471
@X window variable, 124
@Y window variable, 124
' (minutes notation), 97, 697
( ) (parentheses), 48
+ (addition), 63, 696
+ (concatenation), 490, 696
+ (pixel mark), 235, 373
: (colon), 504
< (less than), 101, 694
= (equal-to relational test), 101, 693
> (greater than), 101, 694
[ ] (matrix indicator), 265
^ (power), 64, 695
{ } (list indicator), 288
1.PropZInt (one-proportion z confidence
interval), 410, 676
1.PropZTest (one-proportion z test),
402, 676
1.Var Stats (one-variable statistics),
357, 689
10^( (power of ten), 65, 695
2 (square), 64, 694
2.PropZInt (two-proportion z
confidence interval), 411, 676
2.PropZTest (two-proportion z test),
403, 677
2.SampÛTest (two-sample Û-Test), 414,
2.SampTInt (two-sample t confidence
interval), 408, 681
2.SampTTest (two-sample t test), 400,
2.SampZInt (two-sample z confidence
interval), 407, 682
2.SampZTest (two-sample z test), 399,
2.Var Stats (two-variable statistics),
358, 689
3 (cube), 68, 693
3( (cube root), 68, 693
a+bi (rectangular complex mode), 24,
84, 656
about, 596
above graph style(é), 117
abs( (absolute value), 79, 90, 271, 655
accuracy information
computational and graphing, 754
function limits and results, 756
graphing, 132