TI-83 Plus Applications 446
Using the Financial Functions
Entering Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows
When using the TI-83 Plus financial functions, you must enter cash
inflows (cash received) as positive numbers and cash outflows (cash
paid) as negative numbers. The TI-83 Plus follows this convention when
computing and displaying answers.
To display the FINANCE CALC menu, press Œ Í.
1: TVM Solver... Displays the TVM Solver.
2: tvm_Pmt Computes the amount of each payment.
3: tvm_æComputes the interest rate per year.
4: tvm_PV Computes the present value.
5: tvm_ÚComputes the number of payment periods.
6: tvm_FV Computes the future value.
7: npv( Computes the net present value.
8: irr( Computes the internal rate of return.
9: bal( Computes the amortization sched. balance.
0: GPrn( Computes the amort. sched. princ. sum.
A: GInt( Computes the amort. sched. interest sum.